Big arms are a symbol of masculinity. They command respect and are a testament to a man’s strength and power. Besides, they make women go crazy and other men jealous. It’s like the male version of having nice curves: they make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Therefore, they make you feel more confident…
Year: 2018
How To Get Bigger Thighs
When it comes to building muscles, most people mainly concentrate on their upper body. They don’t care much about how skinny their thighs or leg muscles look and often find it difficult to train their lower body muscles. Are you one of those people? Do you find it difficult to get bigger thighs as well? …
How To Get Six Pack Abs
Getting six pack abs is perhaps the ultimate dream of every man. This is mainly because women consider great abs as the ultimate symbol of sexiness in a man and having six pack abs also highlights the fact that you are a healthy individual
How To Lose Belly Fat
If you are carrying a few extra pounds whether in the form of a beer gut, potbelly, love handles, or belly fat, you’re certainly not alone. In recent years, the number of people who are overweight has dramatically increased worldwide. And, this can all be blamed on the advancing technologies that have forced people to…
How To Lose Weight Safely?
The problem with quick weight loss guides on the internet is that there are just too many. If you are a newbie who is looking to lose weight safely and naturally, finding the right guide for your body type can become a challenge. You may not even be looking for advanced techniques; just basic steps …
Muscle Isolation
This is a basic principle, that revolutionized the bodybuilding training methods. Muscles can work as synergists, antagonists, stabilizers or separately. During the basic (compound exercises) the muscle groups work together, without being able to differentiate the participation of the separate synergists. Something more to it, during the progressively increasing fatigue the individual unconsciously transfers the…
ISO Tension – Boost Your Muscle Definition The Easier Way
Do you feel like you have reached a plateau with your bodybuilding regimen? Are you not able to increase your gains despite incorporating some of the more advanced techniques like the stomach vacuum?…
L-Arginine, shortly arginine is a positive amino acid, classified as semi-essential and conditionally essential.
Every fitness enthusiast has heard of this supplement, but few people know it
This is one of the supplements that is most often associated with fat loss. However, most people only define it as a fat loss supplement and are completely unaware about this amino acid overall. What is L-Carnitine? This is a natural, non-protein amino acid, which was first derived from meat during the beginning of 20th
Leg Day- Hamstrings Focus
If you already went through our Leg day- Quadriceps focus article, odds are, your knowledge on lower body training and structure has improved.
We pretty much went through the quadriceps and calves’ anatomy briefly, giving