If you happen to be someone with a busy lifestyle, and your work requires you to digest a big volume of information, then those intense workout sessions at the gym may even make things worse at times. Probably may lead to a brain burnout! Ginkgo biloba may be the cure for that, as its active …
Year: 2018
The history of Guarana use is lost back in time, dating to its use in Amazonian tribes’ medicine. The extract from Guarana has been found more than half a century ago and has gained popularity on the market, as it is a big part of many different energy drinks and supplements. What is guarana? Paullinia
This tree is famous for its energizing properties, which, of course, are a result of its caffeine content. The interesting thing however, is that the effect is not the same as with green, black tea and coffee. What is yerba mate? Scientifically referred to as Ilex paraguariensis, yerba mate is an evergreen tree, which grows…
Linden tea is without a doubt one of the most aromatic drinks and, as an herb, it is especially rich in medicinal substances. This is why it is used widely in medicine as well as cosmetics. The Linden is a high up to 25-30 meters long tree, strongly branched and with a dense crown. The …
Pre-Workout Supplements (Nitric Boosters)
This particular group of supplements, often referred to as pre-workout boosters have gained a lot of popularity in the bodybuilding world. They partially help the musculature recover after a workout, but their main and most sought effect is the immense musculature pump during the workout. What are pre-workout boosters? Nitric boosters are a supplement that …
Whey Protein
Whey protein is by far the biggest selling sports and dietary supplement on the market and one of the best studied forms of protein for muscle enhancement in the world. It is popular among fitness models, athletes, bodybuilders, as well as people looking to improve their overall performance in the gym. So, what seems to…
Protein- How Is It Involved In Our Nutrition?
In this first part of our articles on proteins, we will give you a brief look on the very basic knowledge you should have about protein- What it is, which foods are rich in it, how many grams of it you need a day. What is protein and how is it involved in our nutrition? …
SYNTHA-6 Whey Protein Powder
You have probably already heard about protein supplements and have seen the shiny protein tubs in supplement stores. We have seen bodybuilding posters with massive bodybuilders, holding those exact protein tubs. Everyone has had the thought about how much better their sport results and development would be if they bought a protein tub. However, protein…
We can certainly say that protein is the most famous macro-nutrient for all physically active individuals. This is simply because the benefits of it are endless, especially for people involved in any kind of training. Protein is sought and consumed in many ways, recovering and building the cells, muscle tissues, skin, bones, blood, and it…
Most of you often wonder why there is a significant price difference when it comes to protein supplements- Some of them are cheaper and others are way more expensive, even though the protein concentration is the same as in the cheaper ones. The answer here hides behind the parameters of the supplements, namely, their biological…